The specifics of elicitor effect on Triticum aestivum macromorphogenesis under simultaneous lesion by Septoria tritici and Puccinia recondita

  • I. V. Zhuk Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering, Zabolotnogo str. 148, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine
  • A. P. Dmitriev Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering, Zabolotnogo str. 148, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine
  • G. M. Lisova Institute of Plant Protection, Vasilkivska str. 33, 03022 Kyiv, Ukraine


Phytopathogenic fungi interrupt the macromorphogenesis of wheat (Triticum aestivum) but biotic elicitors stimulate the nonspecific tolerance, growth and development of plant stems. It is shown that oxalic acid as a biotic elicitor and donor of nitric oxide signal molecule (sodium nitroprusside) stimulate stem growth in height and last leaves length, as well as grain quantity and productivity both in cv. ‘Poliska 90’ and cv. ‘Stolychna’ under Septoria tritici and Puccinia recondita infection in field trials. It is detected that the degree of infected leaf area decreased in both treated cultivars under Saari-Prescott scale. Cv. ‘Poliska 90’ is more sensitive to both fungal pathogens than cv. ‘Stolychna’, but elicitor influence on its architectonics was no less than on cv. ‘Stolychna’.


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Fig. 1. The lesion of the leaf blotch and the wheat leaf rust on wheat leaves of cv. ‘Poliska 90’ (А) and cv. ‘Stolychna’ (Б).
How to Cite
ZHUK, I. V.; DMITRIEV, A. P.; LISOVA, G. M.. The specifics of elicitor effect on Triticum aestivum macromorphogenesis under simultaneous lesion by Septoria tritici and Puccinia recondita. Modern Phytomorphology, [S.l.], v. 10, p. 117-123, june 2016. ISSN 2227-9555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 apr. 2018. doi:
Research Articles