Influence of different concentrations of jasmonic acid on in vitro development of Catasetum fimbriatum Lindl. (Orchidaceae)

  • Juliana Antunes Silva Maia Botany and Environment Laboratory, Hermínio Ometto University Center – Uniararas, Maximilano Baruto Av. 500, Jardim Universitário, 13600-000 Araras, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Cristiano Pedroso de Moraes Botany and Environment Laboratory, Hermínio Ometto University Center – Uniararas, Maximilano Baruto Av. 500, Jardim Universitário, 13600-000 Araras, São Paulo, Brazil


In vitro seeding constitutes an indispensable tool for propagation of the main commercial species of orchids. This study aimed to analyze the in vitro development of Catasetum fimbriatum under different concentrations of jasmonic acid in Murashige & Skoog culture medium compound of ½ macronutrients. After 180 days of cultivation, concentration of 0.25 and 0.50 μL • L-1 caused a significant increase in number of roots and leaves. The concentration of 1.00 μL • L-1 showed the best result for the length of longest root and largest leaf, the total length of seedling, and the total fresh and dry masses. Nevertheless, the use of this plant regulator on in vitro culture media still requires further investigations to determine the optimal concentration in order to obtain desirable phytotechnical characteristics in different orchid species.


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Fig. 1. Polynomial correlation of biometric variables of Catasetum fimbriatum seedlings: NR – number of roots; NL – number of leaves, LR – length of largest root; LL – length of largest leaf; LS – total length of seedlings; FM – fresh mass; DM – dry mass.
How to Cite
MAIA, Juliana Antunes Silva; PEDROSO DE MORAES, Cristiano. Influence of different concentrations of jasmonic acid on in vitro development of Catasetum fimbriatum Lindl. (Orchidaceae). Modern Phytomorphology, [S.l.], v. 11, p. 99-104, oct. 2017. ISSN 2227-9555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 apr. 2018. doi: