Structure of elementary module of Solanum dulcamara L.

  • Irina A. Zhuravlyeva Vyatka State University of Humanities, Lenin str. 198, 610033 Kirov, Russia
  • Natalya P. Savinykh Vyatka State University of Humanities, Lenin str. 198, 610033 Kirov, Russia


The structures (metamers) of Solanum dulcamara at the level of elementary module have been studied. The features for identification of their variability have been ascertained. 44 variants of metamers are described. The characteristic is represented for such individual features as: the type of lateral organ (leaf of a middle formation) and axillary structure (bud, shoot, serial complex); the degree of development of the generative organs; and the presence and type of roots.


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Fig. 1. The variants of elementary modules: а – metamere with internodium elongatum, a node with axillary bud and cataphylls; б – metamere with internodium elongatum, a node with axillary bud and paracataphylls; в – metamere with internodium elongatum, a node with axillary bud and middle leaf formation. 1 – part of the shoot of the last year; 2 – shoot of the current year; 3 – pseudolateral inflorescence; 4 – reduced pseudolateral inflorescence; 5 – dead middle leaf formation; 6 – cataphyll with axillary bud; 7 – paracataphyll with axillary bud; 8 – middle leaf formation with axillary bud; 9 – adventitious roots formed on the land; 10 – adventitious roots formed in the water.
How to Cite
ZHURAVLYEVA, Irina A.; SAVINYKH, Natalya P.. Structure of elementary module of Solanum dulcamara L.. Modern Phytomorphology, [S.l.], v. 5, p. 173-178, apr. 2014. ISSN 2227-9555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 apr. 2018. doi:
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