Peculiarities of seeds germination and seedling development in Sterculia coccinea Roxb. ex G.Don (Malvaceae)

  • Ivan A. Savinov Moscow State University of Food Productuion, Talalichina str. 33, 109316 Moscow, Russia


Seed germination for Sterculia coccinea in room conditions was studied. Seed is germinating in the fruit (it is connected with capsule wall), but only after separating from maternal plant. Type of germination – epigeal, cryptocotylar, of Blumeodendron-type (because the seedling does not become free from seed envelops and testa remains persistent around the flat opposite cotyledons on the top of hypocotyl, and they shed together with these organs). Different time for seed envelops and cotyledons shed from the seedling was determined.


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Fig. 1. Common view of wall fruit with seeds of Sterculia coccinea. Mountain tropical forest, Western Java, Indonesia (04.09.2013, original).
How to Cite
SAVINOV, Ivan A.. Peculiarities of seeds germination and seedling development in Sterculia coccinea Roxb. ex G.Don (Malvaceae). Modern Phytomorphology, [S.l.], v. 5, p. 125-128, apr. 2014. ISSN 2227-9555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 apr. 2018. doi: